Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What's going on.....

at the moment in my life? Well, Dad is still in hospital and as of last night the Drs still have absolutely no idea what is wrong with him! Looks like he'll still be in there for his birthday on Friday which isn't ideal but hopefully he'll get a diagnosis soon. He recieved another 2 litre blood transfusion yesterday as he's severely anaemic. Have had Jamie off school today as he's had a rash since Thursday so I took him to the Drs this morning. Dr seems to think it's not contagious and has given him a cream to use. He'll be back at school tomorrow but doesn't want to do PE as he doesn't want to get changed in front of people and have them teasing him about his rash. As for me, I was back at the Drs this morning too! The antibiotics I was on last week for my injury haven't worked and in fact the symptoms have got worse so the Dr has given me a different prescription and if this doesn't work I may need to be referred for a small op so please join me in hoping that the medication works!


Andria said...

Oh my! When it rains, it really does pour. I will be praying for your dad, your son and you. Hopefully your dad has something that is cureable. I hope your family all feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh Jo! Hope things improve soon for you all and that everyone is on the mend soon. Sounds like you're having a right time of it. :o(

Carolina said...

Oh hon, so sorry all this is going on with you right now...my thoughts are with you and your loved ones and hope for a quick recovery for all!